Could That Super Hero Really Be You?

Flying High Doesn't Always Require Wings!

Be the Hero in Your Own Fairytale!!

The greatest heroes of the greatest stories were often armed with little more than their imagination and their determination….often they even lacked courage and knowledge…and yet somehow, they managed not only to succeed but to save the world in the process of doing so….

It can be tempting to chide ourselves for not being good enough…or powerful enough…or beautiful enough or just plain great enough to play the lead in our own fairy tale…and yet, here we are…cast in that role wondering what on earth the producers were thinking…??

Well, the truth be told, do we really need wings to soar?… or does that superhero cape really have to be magical? We believe that the magical creatures look like elves or unicorns only because we have been taught to believe that they couldn’t possibly look like us…or even if they looked like us, they couldn’t possibly ACT like us—could they? The “real” super heroes do leap tall buildings and yield amazing forces… they don’t make car payments or get stuck in traffic…or gain a few pounds when they dine on chocolate…

But really, who made those “rules” and are you obligated to believe that?? Take back your power, dear wonderful friends—and BE the leading character in your own oh-so-brilliant story! Of course there will be adventure…and possibly danger… there will be some villains and some that you love…you will quest and appear to “fail” at times, but that is what makes the story so intoxicating…so impossible to put down…

Be proud of the character that you create because the face of the mightiest hero could easily be your own! Grab a cape and perhaps even a shopping cart (if that happens to be your chariot du jour)… but most of all, grab your joy with all of your boldness–and dare to BELIEVE! Start “writing” your perfect tale…. You are absolutely EVERYTHING that a true “hero” should be… you are every bit as magical even without the wand…

You don’t have to be “super-human” to play the leading role in this engrossing tale…you just have to dive head over heels into fully and blissfully BEING YOU! So go get started… there is fairy dust to start sharing…! Wink!

